Guest-Led Ordering


Going out to bars and restaurants involves a lot of waiting. Waiting to be seated, to order, to get your check and to pay. Guest-led Ordering is a solution to waiting that benefits venues, staff and guests.

Let’s talk about it.

What is GLO?

Guest-led ordering is a service model that allows guests to take control of their drinking and dining experience. It eliminates the time spent waiting for a server or bartender to come by and take their order. The guest-led model allows bartenders and other staff more time to focus on true hospitality and other tasks.

Union’s guest-led ordering also takes mobile ordering to the next level as our experience offers personalize recommendations and offers that create larger check and greater loyalty.

1. When guests don't wait, they spend more money.

The leading cause of poor reviews are wait times. Providing your guests the ability to browse your menu, order, pay, and tip on their phones means they can have a drink on their table in less than 60 seconds – And you’re saving staff valuable time that they can use to engage with customers.


Guests receive their orders 80% faster when using GLO compared to ordering with a server.

2. When guests are delighted, they spend more money.

Guests come to your venue for an experience they can’t get at home, and you’ve worked hard to get them out of the house and to your business. 


Treat your loyal customers like VIPs with GLO. When your staff doesn’t need to focus on entering orders and dropping checks, they can focus on true hospitality and customer service, which leads directly to increased spending and tips. 

* To read more about Union’s deep-dive into tipping behavior,  check out our latest data report “Just the Tips”.

3. When guests order how they want, when they want, they spend more money.

The data is overwhelming. – Guest spending is 28% higher on average when placed through mobile (and when venues utilize all available brand promotions that Union is supporting, this is more than 70%).


Unique features like Order Again are used by tens of thousands of app users per month, and allow for automated, data-driven personalization that drives loyalty and customer engagement. 


Quick and clean payment is now expected by guests, and our intuitive flow is saving Union venues across the country massive amounts of time and labor. 

Enable Guest Led Ordering Today.

We are committed to your success. Claim your Free Union GLO Starter Kit, which includes up to $500 worth of QR codes and signage. Fill out the request form below to be contacted about setting up Union’s guest-led ordering. 


Guest Led Ordering is already part of your Union partnership. Reach out below to work with your Union Account Manager to see these benefits.